Welcome to my web site. This site shows some of my interests and showcases the work of some of my friends. It contains images and video material mostly dealing with transport of various kinds.

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British National Ploughing Championships
Over 250 champion ploughmen and women from throughout Great Britain converged on the village of Austrey near Atherstone in Warwickshire on 13th and 14th October for the 68th British National Ploughing Championships. Gale force winds and rain over the two days failed to dampen the enthusiasm. 250 acres of Tractors, Horses and Steam Engines all devoted to ploughing was a sight to behold.
I was invited to be the Photographer for this event and based on the stand of Bobs Engine Club. Bobs Engine Club members and their exhibits formed a major part of the static display and can be seen in the videos that follow. The Tea,Coffee and Sunday Soup provided to members and friends were most welcome.
Barry Island
If you like UK Preserved Steam Engines then inevitably you will have heard of, or read about Dai Woodham's scrap yard at Barry Island. In those days it was black and white photography only for young lads of limited means, but we did have motorbikes!
My You Tube Channel
These are websites that I am responsible for as webmaster, I also have some interest and attachment to the organisations that they represent.
Cloudonservers.co.uk Bobsengineclub.org.uk flynavyfederation.org.uk
The site slogan is 'Fly Navy' which harks back to my time as a Naval Meteorologist in the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy, a subject I am still passionate about some 25+ years after retirement. If your interest is in this area then please click the Cloudobservers link HERE. At Cloudobservers you will find the web site for all ex RN Meteorologists plus a great many links to the wider Fleet Air Arm Community.
The photograph is of HMS Albion, a Royal Navy Commando Carrier alongside HMS Tamar, the name given to the Naval Base in Hong Kong. The two ships together on the opposite side of the jetty are Daring Class Destroyers, the singleton in the basin being a Leander class Frigate. I served on HMS Albion from 1967 to 1969, having flown out to Singapore at short notice (a pierhead jump) to replace somebody else who had to return to the U.K.
In the second picture we have HMS Albion arriving in December 1968. Manning the ship sides is known as Procedure Alpha. The Helicopter is a Westland Wasp. Ahead lies the Star Ferry terminal, HMS Tamar is far left of the picture. As I recall we were in our office situated at flight deck level below where the photographer is standing when this picture was taken.
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